Advice to first read The Most Advanced Quantum Computer
The Magnosphere Model is a very powerful model, that has the potential to bring peace and prosperity to each one of us. This is the reason that I keep writing about it, as I assume we all want peace and prosperity, don’t we?
This model is an abstract concept of how I look at the world, myself and reality. It resulted from the answers I found for the questions I had in my life. The questions most of us have at some point, what am I doing here, what is the purpose of life, what should I do, are we alone in this big universe, is there life after death, why do we struggle or kill each other, what is love, is there a god, should I safe a cooky for tomorrow or eat it all today? Questions, questions, just the normal questions that we have in life.
Using the Magnosphere idea, as the my private Space ship bubble, it reminds me that my perception of reality is unique for me, and yours is unique for you. We want to believe we experience the same, but that is a big illusion.
This was not a major eye opener for me, more a logical conclusion I made. I am colourblind and many people asked me, how is it to be colourblind? I appreciate the curiosity, but it is a silly question that assumed that most people believe they all see the same things, and that I am the exception. How can I answer this when I cant make a comparison with someone who isn’t colourblind? It is known that women see colours differently than men. Copy that to hearing, smelling, age, culture, etc, and there are trazillion factors that alter the perception of our reality. Being colourblind is just a minor one.
An important realisation that followed from this experience is that I am totally responsible how I translate information coming my way, and I can always choice how I translate this and it is always, always possible to process anything in a positive way. Even when that wasn’t the intention.
The Magnosphere as a Virtual Reality Quantum computer fits me well, as I am a kinaesthetic learner. This means that I rely almost completely on my feelings, my inner world and my response on the outer world is based on the level of resonance that I feel. High resonance = feels good, just do it. Low resonance = feels not good, don't do it. This explains my many illogical decisions, but they felt right at the moment and most turned out for the better.
In conversations I ‘listen’ to the feeling someone use to carry their words, and often I feel what someone wants to say before I hear the words. This can be very annoying for the other, but I am aware of this and am improving my conversational social skills. It is for me very logical that the feeling comes first and thoughts and words afterwards. Thus the idea that we are partly embedded in the Quantum world where feelings are the electromagnetic frequency waves that are translated into words/reality based on how we translate these feelings sounds very logical.
The other day I read an acticle that scientists proved that light (electromagnetic frequencies) can turn into matter and magnetic fields can alter the path of light. I had look twice at the date, and it was a recent article that said this a 80 year old theory is now confirmed. I thought this was already common knowledge, because plants have been doing this forever, the human biology uses sunlight to make vitamin D, and the Quantum theory explains this. Maybe this raises the question what the electromagnetic frequencies can do that are emitted from our centre, our heart?
My starting point for reality is always my inner world, it is the source that fuels my ideas, thoughts, and actions, like it does this writing. It is an undefined whirlpool of feelings that flows as music through my inner world. I search for tones and melodies that elevates me, and when there is a match, I lock on and start to resonate with these tones. This opens a channel where images and ideas flow in. Next I attempt to translate these into words, sentences that can carry that feeling into the world. I see this as calibrating myself with higher frequencies and when it matches, I get enthusiastic and my whole being resonate, what amplifies my total energy level.
This process of calibration produces the energy that powers and amplifies our Magnosphere and our reality. This is what fuels our biology, enlighten our being, keeps us healthy, activates our self-healing ability, keeps us in a positive modes, and purifies any attachments that are disturbing for our experience.
Finding this sweet-spot where it all clicks can only be done by feeling. It is calibrating the inner world with the outer world, while they are in reality the same. This is the feeling of Peace, it is the state of being with Love, the alignment of all elements. This can’t be achieved by words, a method, a doctrine, a procedure or any outside event. Everything in your reality flows from the inside and is infused with the feeling you add to it.
This is how I describe my method to align my Magnosphere bubble reality with higher more refined frequencies that reflect a little more positive reality than where I was before. There is so much to learn, so much to discover, we are just scratching the surface of what we as humans are capable of.
It truly starts with Peace. Peace always finds Peace, fighting always results in fighting. There are many sayings that refer to this method, like, if you live by the sword, you die by the sword. You reap what you sow. It is basic physics, no mystery here, no hidden principles, what you give out you get back.
Many people are afraid to feel and prefer to translate it into words, therapists come up with all kind of words, schematics, explanations, and therapies to deal with these feelings. Words are secondary, the aftermath of a flow of energies that pass through your Magnosphere. They are just feelings, electromagnetic frequency waves that are used in your Magnosphere to create your reality. Do they feel bad? They are not meant for you, let them pass through, get out of the way and wait for feelings that feel good. An explanation is always afterwards, useless and it blocks the timeslot for good feelings. What do you want, feel good or feel bad? Don’t waste your time to manage the bad feelings, unless you want to fight your way through life.
Own your centre spot in your Magnosphere, you are the King or Queen, choose to be at Peace and this will energise your life to reach higher levels of understanding and this brings you prosperity.