This is the audio version of post #02 from April 18th 2023.
A growing number of voices talk about a Reset and New World. Politicians introduced the term New World Order in the early ’90, the new age movement saw the ending of the Maya calendar as the start of a new era in a 5-dimensional world, and different religions found prophecies in their scriptures indicating the end of times and the beginning of a new world.
So, will there be a reset and a new world, and if so? How will it be organised, and who will be running it? These are exciting questions, and everyone has their version and predictions promoted via news outlets and multimedia channels worldwide.
From my perspective as Ambassador of Nature, there will be no reset or new world, but rather the ending of an artificially created system that projected the illusion of a real world. This system piggybacked for a long time on the one real world of Nature.
The world of Nature is governed by Nature’s principles that allow all lifeforms to grow, develop and evolve freely. Therefore, all life in the galaxy, our solar system, and on Earth, including you, will constantly move into higher frequencies. In this manner, you will experience a continuous expansion of consciousness that reflects itself in your reality. This is how Creation always operates; it is not something from a new world or initiated by a reset. It may look and feel like a new world, but this world is already there. You don’t have to learn or achieve something to enter this world; maybe learn to relax and start communicating with your intuition.
However, the artificial system is rigid, unable to grow, develop or evolve and can no longer interface with the expanding life forms on Earth that supported its existence. Therefore, the cover of this illusionary world will break open, and the Natural world will show itself through the cracks in surprising ways, like the tree that patiently grows and overcomes any blockage or limitation it finds on its path. But, more noticeably, you will feel your own Nature coming to the surface, growing patiently and overcoming every blockage, limitation or resistence you put up.
You may start feeling unrest and the urge for change; this comes from your intuition. Your intuition is the communication system of your Nature, and it says something like, “Hé there, come on now. Let’s go!” As a part of Nature, you are expanding together with Nature. You are both a human of flesh and blood and a spiritual being that wants to uncover and deliver the promises to the world hidden inside you. You can ignore the urge with all you have, but that can be painful. Why would you want that?
Don’t worry about this too much; many went before you. They also felt something brewing under their skin that felt odd and tried to figure out what this was. Some took a blue, or red pill, jumped into a rabbit hole, or shopped in the spiritual supermarket, hoping to get comfortable again. Others used repressive substances or ‘worked on themselves’, went into mental, physical, and spiritual therapies, submitted themselves to rituals, or invented alternative personas with artificial lives. Many times it gave some relief, but not for long. I know; I did the same.
The members of the artificial world will try anything to keep the sinking boat afloat. They will use the most bizarre tricks and cliffhanger events to keep your attention at all times on them so you don’t have any spare time to reconnect with Nature. Just ignore them.
Not everyone will want to go through this process; there are a trazillion different reasons for this. Some don’t want to give up their position of power; others are too attached to the artificial world, and others cannot evolve or will do it entirely differently. Some will try to lure you into their world with big promises or even threaten you with horrible punishments. Let them figure it out. How hard it may sound, their lives are none of your business. Consult your intuition, and you will know what to do.
Everyone invited to fly high in the skies is fully equipped, charged, ready and capable of going through this transformation on their merit. I make it sound easy, but it is not. So please don’t take it too seriously, it supposes to be fun. Good luck!
I will sign off with one of my favourite movie lines: To boldly go where no man has gone before.
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